Hypnosis For Pregnancy and Childbirth

Hypnosis For Pregnancy and Childbirth

A woman’s journey and experience through pregnancy, labour, and childbirth are shaped by many factors.

Socio-cultural programming (beliefs, culture, traditions, morals, values etc.), a history of abuse, family’s expectations, nutrition and exercise, your support group, education, your caregiver, and the environment or atmosphere can contribute to fear, increased perception of pain, tension, anxiety (fear), and even dystocia (when labour does not go ahead, or stops progressing.)

Any of these things can hold you back consciously, or unconsciously. All of these things can affect your whole labour and childbirth experience. It can be very disappointing to a new Mother to hear that she has stopped dilating after hours of painful contractions, and the reason can be traced back to one of the above factors. Who is in the room with you? Are you really comfortable with your Mother-In-Law being in the room? Do you trust your doctor or midwife? Do you have a fear of hospitals? Have your friends or family shared their birth horror stories with you? Afraid of the pain? What are all these tests about? Are your friends and family supportive? Will you have help and support with your newborn baby?

All that you should be thinking about in labour is the beautiful, healthy baby making its way into the world.

I have training as a Doula, and have supported fellow women through the childbirth experience. I also have three children of my own, who were born with the help of midwives, in the comfort of my own home. Your body knows what to do, and if you trust in it, and stay positive and believe that you can do it, you can do it! Keep your eye on the prize – welcoming this new baby into the world.

I have combined my training and experience as a Doula with my own pregnancy, labour and childbirth experience, with my Hypnosis training, and have written a hypnosis script to help calm the fears and stress associated with labour and childbirth. It will give you some control over your level of relaxation during labour and childbirth, and will keep you focused on what you need to do. It will not take all of the pain away, but you will be able to relax in between contractions and feel safe and comfortable in whatever environment you choose for your baby’s birth. Hypnosis can ease the stress and fear going into labour, reducing the chance of it coming to a halt, or slowing down. This is usually when your birth plan goes out the window, and emergency intervention is required.

How do you envision the perfect labour and birth? Do you believe that it can happen? We want to bring our babies into the world gently, without stress and fear, into a comforting, warm, soothing environment, and most of this is up to you, the Mother. There are certainly many factors out of your control, but if you could make this experience the best it can possibly be, wouldn’t you want to try?

I have combined my Doula Training and experience with Hypnosis and have written a script for expecting Mothers. I do not offer Hypnosis through labour and childbirth, but after a few sessions you will be able to put yourself into state of relaxation yourself, as deep as you are comfortable with or want to go, so your labour progresses naturally and effortlessly. I am not guaranteeing a pain-free labour, but we will work together to release whatever is blocking you from having the birth that you plan.

What is involved and how much does it cost?

For hypnosis to work effectively, 5-6 sessions are ideal, and they are usually about one hour. If you are a new client, expect one to two hours for the first appointment.

I am offering four sessions in this package, and I would advise to stretch them out over the last trimester of your pregnancy, or during the last five or six weeks before your due date. You can even have a refresher the day before or the day of, depending on your confidence and comfort level.

Purchase Four Pregnancy/Childbirth Hypnosis Sessions for $125

If you would like to add additional sessions, you can do so for $25 each session. The sessions must be for the same purpose to receive the reduced rate.

Use the contact form at the bottom of the page to inquire or to set up a consultation.